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Ceremony for 35 years: gratitude and appreciation


Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft was honored on 8 October, for their 35 years of continued membership in the Section engineering offices of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce.


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During the annual specialist group conference, Ing. Roman Weigl, chairman of the Viennese Association, handed over the certificate of honor to the managing director of the Pörner Group DI Peter Schlossnikel. Mr. Weigl expressed his thanks on behalf of the entire chamber for the decades-long support to the association.


As a modern service provider, the Chamber of Commerce offers fast and competent advice, from professional law to the survey of legal texts. Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft offers their knowledge and expertise, so that the Commerce slogan of "knowledge to succeed" – becomes always true. Recently in 2014, Pörner was also awarded the “Leitbetriebe Austria“ certificate, as a Leading Austrian Company (Link).


The Pörner Group in turn thanked the chamber for its tireless support to represent the interests of Austrian engineering companies.


We look forward to many more years of good partnership.



Lydia Brandtner

Head of Marketing Pörner Group

Tel.: +43 5 05899-718