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Moscow Office

Opening with representatives in Moscow

[Translate to Englisch:]

[Translate to Englisch:] Dr. Fellner, Österreichischer Wirtschaftsdelegierter mit seinen Kollegen vom AußenwirtschaftsCenter Moskau begrüßen ausdrücklich die nunmehr offizielle Präsenz der Pörner Gruppe in Moskau

[Translate to Englisch:]

[Translate to Englisch:] Pörner Geschäftsführer DI Peter Schlossnikel

[Translate to Englisch:]

[Translate to Englisch:] Albert Traxler mit dem Vertreter der Rosneft Bitumen Abteilung

In the autumn of 2014 Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH set up a representative office in Moscow.

The opening ceremony was held on 17 February 2015 and was attended by the Managing Director of Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH Vienna and Grimma as well as EDL Anlagenbau Gesellschaft mbH from Leipzig. Numerous guests also attended, including representatives from; the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, the Foreign Trade Centre in Moscow; Russian oil companies, commercial companies as well as other partners. 

In his opening address, Mr DI Peter Schlossnikel, the Managing Director of Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH talked about continuing the firm’s plan of many years to develop the Russian market, as well as CIS countries and to not retreat in times of crisis in Russian business but to show a local presence even under difficult political and economic circumstances.

With the establishment of a representative office, this will set the course for more intensive marketing and customer support and service. A highly qualified and motivated team stands as the representative and contact for the Russian market.

You can reach our colleagues at the following address:

Unit 3, 23 Krzhizhanovskogo str. Moskow 117218
Tel. +7 495 107 0252 – 208


Lydia Brandtner

Head of Marketing Pörner Group

Tel.: +43 5 05899-718